Updates: EU

    GIview, EU protected geographical indications

    New search database GIview, for all geographical indications protected at European Union level

    The geographical indication can be one of the unique selling points of a product. It is part of the intellectual property companies, and, by extension, Remant Customs need to protect. That is why the EU launched a new search database GIview, for all geographical indications protected at European Union level.

    The EU collaborates with countries with which it has trade agreements to launch this as well. The African continent with, for example, Mozambique, is catching up.

    More information:  https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/web/guest/news/-/action/view/8389687 and https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/web/guest/news/-/action/view/8388589

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